Sažetak | Općina Barban proteže se na gotovo 100 metara kvadratnih i graniči s mnogim drugim općinama. Barban je naselje u istoimenoj Općini, smješteno na povoljnom položaju, na brežuljku iznad doline rijeke Raše, nadomak Pule. Danas, Barban ima 221 stanovnika. Povoljan položaj i povoljni uvjeti za život razlog su tomu da se povijest Barbanštine može pratiti kronološkim sijedom od neolitika, preko eneolitika, brončanog doba do kraja željeznog doba, to jest rimskog osvajanja, za što postoje dokazi i spomeni. Barban se u povijesti prvi put spominje 740., što dokazuju spisi čiju je pouzdanost teško objektivno procijeniti. Riječ je o crkvenoj ispravi napisanoj povodom osnutka Župe Barban, po kojoj je župi bio dodijeljen benediktinski samostan posvećen Svetom Trojstvu, poznat kao sveta Nedjelja na Labinštini. Barbanom i Barbanštinom je tijekom povijesti vladalo mnogo vladara, te su svi oni ostavili određen utjecaj koji je vidljiv i danas. Najveći utjecaj, odnosno najvažnija ostavština prijašnjih vladavina u Barbanu je Trka na prstenac. Iako za Trku na prstenac postoje razni izvori i razne teorije, poznato je da su je u Europu donijeli europski vitezovi nakon Prvog križarskog rata 1099., a oni su tu ratnu vještinu vidjeli od svojih neprijatelja, saracenskih konjanika. Kasnije, ona se spominje u mnogim gradovima diljem današnje Republike Hrvatske, a o njezinoj pojavi u Barbanu svjedoče dokazi iz 1696. Trka na prstenac u Barbanu razlikuje se od svih po svojim pravilima, ali i po samom prstencu i bodovanju pogodaka. Pogodak u polje iznad sride donosi dva punta, polje ispod sride jedan punat, a pogodak u lijevo ili desno od sride donosi pola punta. Pogodak u sridu, najvažniji pogodak, donosi tri punta. Moguće je da barbanska trka iz 1696. nije bila prva, odnosno da se to nadmetanje održavalo i ranije. Trka se odvija na pretposljednji vikend u kolovozu te predstavlja izvanredni događaj i ugođaj koji stvaraju konjanici. Program Trke na prstenac započinje u petak kada se podizanjem zastave najavljuju trodnevne svečanosti. U subotu se, zatim odvija Trka za viticu, a u nedjelju se održava ona najvažnija, Trka na prstenac. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Barban Municipality stretches to almost 100 square meters and borders many other municipalities. Barban is a village in Barban Municipality, situated in a favourable position, on a hill above the valley of the River Raša, near town Pula. Today, Barban has 221 inhabitants. Favourable position and living conditions are the reason that the history of Barban can be traced by a chronological order from the Neolithic, through the Eneolithic, bronze age to the end of the Iron Age, more exactly the Roman conquest, for which there exist evidences and recollections. Barban was first mentioned in 740, what has been evidenced by the files whose reliability is difficult to assess objectively. It is a church document written on the occasion of the establishment of the Barban Parish, after which a Benedictine monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity, known as „Sveta Nedjelja“ in Labin, was assigned to the parish. Barban and its area have been ruled by many rulers throughout history, and they have all left a certain influence which is visible even today. The greatest influence, more exactly the most important legacy of previous reign in Barban is the Race of the Ring. Although, there are various sources and various theories for the Race of the Ring, it is known that it was brought to Europe by the European Knights after the first crusade in 1099, and they familiarized the war skill from their enemies, the Saracen Horsemen. Later, it is mentioned in many cities throughout today's Republic of Croatia, and the evidences from 1696 testified its appearance in Barban. The Race of the Ring in Barban is different from all the other games according to its rules, but also according to the ring and hit evaluation. A hit into the field above the middle part brings two points, the field above the middle part brings one point, a hit into the left or right side from the middle part brings half a point. A hit into the middle part, as the most important one, brings three points. It is possible that the Barban race from 1696 was not the first one, more exactly that the competition had been held before. The race takes place at the penultimate weekend in August and represents an extraordinary event and atmosphere created by the horsemen. The Race of the Ring show begins on Friday when three day festivities are announced by raising the flag. On Saturday, „Vitica“ Race takes the place, and on Sunday the most important one, The Race of the Ring. |