Sažetak | Nacionalni parkovi su javna dobra koja trebaju biti dostupna svima, a zbog jedinstvenih prirodnih karakteristika tih parkova i njihovih osjetljivih eko-sustava nuţno je, upravljati tim resursima na principu odrţivog razvoja. U diplomskom radu se kroz primjere funkcioniranja meĊunarodnih ruta, ukazalo na smjernice za rješavanje konkretnih pitanja upravljanja hrvatskim kulturnim rutama tako da budu u funkciji povećanja turistiĉkog prometa destinacija, da ostvare mogućnosti povećanja potrošnje po posjetitelju, proširenje ponude, aktivno promiĉući i prodavajući destinacije, imajući u vidu principe odrţivog razvoja te kroz te primjere dobre prakse dao prijedlog za kreiranje kulturne rute „Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatske“. Za poĉetak istraţivanja u radu je bilo potrebno pojašnjavanje pojmova ruta, kulturna ruta, tura, itinerer, nacionalni parkovi, ekoturizam i odrţivi turizam. Navode se i kriteriji za dodjelu certifikata „Velike kulturne rute Vijeća Europe“. Na kraju drugog poglavlja dao se primjer dobre prakse, odnosno kulturne rute „Transromanike“ te prijedlog kulturne rute “Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatske”. Na primjerima europskih iskustava u radu se govori, razvoju rute, definiranju sadrţaja na ruti i njihovoj funkcionalnoj ulozi, evaluaciji sadrţaja. Na primjeru Muzeja krapinskih neandertalaca u Krapini moţe se vidjeti koliki je znaĉaj suradnje partnera na razvoju teme i kvalitetnoj interpretacijskoj podlozi. Kao primjer profitabilnog upravljanja rutom naveden je primjer kulturne rute „Transromanike”. U radu su analizirane razliĉite motivacije i oĉekivanja putnika na ruti te se istiĉe se doţivljaj kao turistiĉki proizvod na primjeru marketinga NP Plitviĉka jezera. Na kraju rada istiĉe se odrţivost i odgovorni turizam. Pri tome rute mogu posluţiti kao alat za kulturnu i socijalnu odrţivost prostora, ĉuvajući i revitalizirajući kulturnu baštinu, osnaţujući gospodarstvo, stvarajući mogućnost za ostvarivanje prihoda i podiţući konkurentnost destinacija. Moţemo zakljuĉiti kako potiĉući odrţivost i prezentaciju baštine, tematske kulturne rute dobivaju ciljani novi gospodarski smisao. Zato je vaţno je da svi dionici u kreiranju i razvoju kulturnih ruta steknu odgovarajuća znanja i vještine za upravljanje turistiĉkim rutama, odnosno za upravljanje turistiĉkim posjetima na tematskim kulturnim rutama. |
Sažetak (engleski) | National parks are a public good that should be available to everyone, but because of the unique natural characteristics of these parks and their sensitive eco-systems, it is necessary to manage these resources on the principle of sustainable development. In the thesis, through examples of functioning international routes, guidelines were indicated to address specific management issues of Croatian cultural routes, in ways which would allow the increase of tourist traffic, enable opportunities to increase spending per visitor and diversification of supply. Through these examples of good practice, a proposal is to create a cultural route "National parks of Croatia". To begin with the research, clarification was needed for the concepts routes, cultural routes, tour itinerary, national parks, eco-tourism and sustainable tourism. There was given also the criteria for the "Great Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe" and at the end of the second chapter, there is an example of good practice, also known as cultural routes "Transromanica" and proposal of cultural route "National parks of Croatia". In the examples of European experience, the research states the development of routes, defining the content of the route and their functional role and evaluation of the content. In the example on Krapina Neanderthal Museum in Krapina, it can be seen how important partner - cooperation is in the development of themes and a rich interpretive background. As an example of a profitable way of managing the route, we are give the example of the cultural routes "Transromanica”. The research analyses the different motivations and expectations of passengers on the route and also we find the experience highlighted as a tourism product in the marketing of Plitvice Lakes National Park. At the end of the research, sustainability and responsible tourism are emphasized the most. With this stated, the same route may serve as a tool for cultural and social sustainability of premises, preserving and revitalizing cultural heritage, strengthening the economy, creating the possibility for generating income and raising the competitiveness of destinations. Finally, we can conclude that encouraging sustainability and the presentation of cultural heritage, thematic cultural routes receive targeted new economic sense which, through tourist activity, can provide new economic growth in the less-developed areas. Therefore, it is important that all stakeholders in the creation and development of cultural routes acquire adequate knowledge and skills for the management of tourist routes, or for the management of tourist visits to the thematic cultural routes. |