Sažetak | U Hrvatskoj je uz obalni pojas najrazvijeniji mali obalni ribolov, gdje se najčešće koriste jednostruke i trostruke mreže stajaćice. U fokusu svih dosadašnjih istraživanja u Jadranu u kojima je analizirana lovina mreža stajaćica su ribe i beskralježnjaci, i to gotovo isključivo vrste s komercijalnim značajem. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio napraviti detaljnu analizu i usporediti sastav beskralježnjaka u lovinama najčešće korištene trostruke mreže stajaćice na području Medulinskog zaljeva, odrediti masenu i brojčanu zastupljenost prikupljenih organizama po sezonama i u ukupnom razdoblju istraživanja te usporediti zastupljenost ekonomski značajnih vrsta u odnosu na one koje nemaju gospodarski značaj. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od ožujka 2020. do siječnja 2021.g., pri čemu je uzorkovanje obavljano dva puta mjesečno, osim u siječnju kada je obavljeno jednom. U ribolovu su se koristile mreže poponice veličine oka mahe 32 i 40 mm. Svaka jedinka je determinirana do najniže moguće taksonomske skupine. Gotovo polovina ulova u oba oka mreže (oko 32 mm i oko 40 mm) je bila komercijalno značajna s obzirom na brojnost u kompletnom razdoblju istraživanja (48,96% u mreži oka 32 mm i 49,89% u mreži oka 40 mm). Masena zastupljenost komercijalno značajnih beskralježnjaka u cijelom razdoblju istraživanja u mreži oka 32 mm je iznosila 32,96%, a u mreži oka 40 mm 50,67%. U mreži oka 32 mm brojčano najzastupljenija vrsta bila je H. trunculus s 26,15%, a u mreži oka 40 mm B. brandaris s 27,45%. Maseno najzastupljenija vrsta u mreži veličine oka 32 mm bila je H. tubulosa s 42,46%, a u mreži veličine oka 40 mm S. officinalis s 28,47%. Maseni udio nekomercijalnih beskralježnjaka u ulovu u mreži poponici oba oka veličine (32 mm i 40 mm) bio je najveći na ljeto, a najmanji na zimu, dok je brojčani udio bio najveći na jesen, a najmanji na ljeto. Maseni i brojčani udio slučajnog ulova u oba oka mreže (32 mm i 40 mm) tijekom cijelog razdoblja istraživanja bio je približno jednak. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The most developed type of fishing in Croatian coastal waters is small scale fishing in which the most frequenty used gears are trammel set nets. All the previous research done in the Adriatic sea that investigated the catch of set nets focused almost exclusively on commercial fish and invertebrates. Therefore, the aim of this research was to conduct a detailed analysis and to compare compositions of invertebrates in the catch of a trammel net that is commonly used in the Bay of Medulin, determine the weight and numerical representation of collected organisms in different seasons and in the whole sampling period and to compare the representation of economically significant species compared to the non commercial. The sampling was conducted from March 2020 to January 2021, twice per month, except in January when it was performed once. Two „poponica“ nets were used with mesh sizes of 32 and 40 mm. Each collected organism was determined to the lowest taxonomical group possible. Approximately half of the catch in both nets was commercially significant throughout the sampling period (48,96% in the net with mesh size 32 mm and 49,89% in the net with mesh size 40 mm). Weight representation of commercially significant invertebrates throughout the sampling period in the net with mesh size 32 mm was 32,96% and 50,67% in the net with mesh size 40 mm. In the net with mesh size 32 mm the most represented species by number was H. trunculus with 26,15%, and in the net with mesh size 40 mm B. brandaris with 27,45%. The most represented species by weight in the net with mesh size 32 mm was H. tubulosa and in the net with mesh size 40 mm S. officinalis with 28,47%. Weight representation of non commercial invertebrates in the catches of both nets was the highest in the summer and the lowest in the winter while the numerical representation was the highest in the fall and the smallest in the summer. Weight and numerical representation of non commercial catches in both nets throughout the sampling period was approximately equal. |