Sažetak | Prvi spomen Donjeg Miholjca seže u 11. stoljeće, kada se naselje prvi put spominje u kontekstu izgradnje crkve sv. Mihovila. U srednjem vijeku, Donji Miholjac ulazio je u sastav vlastelinstva Aszuág poznatijeg kao Osuvak. Njegovi prvi gospodari potjecali su iz plemićkog roda Teten. Tijekom osmanlijske vlasti, Donji Miholjac prolazi kroz teško razdoblje. Gradić pada pod osmansku vlast sredinom 16. stoljeća i ostaje pod turskom kontrolom više od 150 godina. Za to vrijeme, Miholjac gubi na važnosti i trpi zbog stalnih ratova i pljački, no uspijeva očuvati svoje postojanje kao naselje. Za vrijeme protuturskih ratova Miholjac je bio potpuno napušten desetak godina. Kada je to razdoblje prošlo, Hrvati iz okolnih sela počeli su se doseljavati u Miholjac. Karlovačkim mirom 1699. završeno je oslobađanje Slavonije od turske vlasti. U 18. i 19. stoljeću, vlastelini Prandau i Mailath postaju vlasnici velikih posjeda na ovom području. Oni grade impresivne dvorce i druge reprezentativne zgrade, koje postaju simboli moći i prestiža. Dvorac Prandau-Mailath, izgrađen u neogotičkom stilu, postaje središte kulturnog i društvenog života, dok okolni parkovi i gospodarske zgrade dodatno obogaćuju izgled grada. Izgradnja mosta na Dravi krajem 19. stoljeća označava novu fazu u razvoju Donjeg Miholjca. Most je bio ključan za povezivanje grada s ostatkom Hrvatske i susjednom Mađarskom, čime se povećava prometna i gospodarska važnost Miholjca. Ovaj infrastrukturni projekt omogućio je brži transport ljudi i robe, što je dodatno potaknulo ekonomski razvoj i urbanizaciju. Društvene djelatnosti u Donjem Miholjcu, poput djelovanja župe, školstva, sporta, kulture i različitih društava, imale su presudan utjecaj na oblikovanje lokalne zajednice. Župa svetog Mihaela, koja ima dugu tradiciju, bila je središte vjerskog i duhovnog života. Razvoj školstva u Miholjcu omogućio je obrazovanje lokalnog stanovništva, dok su sportske i kulturne aktivnosti obogatile društveni život. Kroz različita kulturna društva, čitaonice i udruge, Donji Miholjac je razvio bogatu tradiciju društvenih aktivnosti koje su pridonosile očuvanju lokalne kulture i identiteta. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The first mention of Donji Miholjac dates back to the 11th century when the settlement was first referenced in the context of the construction of the Church of St. Michael. In the Middle Ages, Donji Miholjac was a part of the Aszuág manor, better known as Osuvak. Its first lords came from the noble Teten family. During the Ottoman rule, Donji Miholjac goes through a challenging period. The town fell under Ottoman control in the mid-16th century and remained under Turkish rule for more than 150 years. During this time, Miholjac lost its importance and suffered from continuous wars and plundering, yet it managed to maintain its existence as a settlement. During the anti-Turkish wars, Miholjac was completely abandoned for about ten years. When this period ended, Croats from the surrounding villages began to settle in Miholjac. The Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699 marked the end of the liberation of Slavonia from Turkish rule. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Prandau and Mailath families became owners of large estates in this area. They built impressive castles and other representative buildings, symbolizing power and prestige. The Prandau-Mailath Castle, built in the Neo-Gothic style, became the center of cultural and social life, while the surrounding parks and economic buildings further enriched the town's appearance. The bridge's construction over the Drava River at the end of the 19th century marked a new phase in the development of Donji Miholjac. The bridge was crucial for connecting the town with the rest of Croatia and neighboring Hungary, thereby increasing Miholjac's traffic and economic significance. This infrastructure project enabled faster transportation of people and goods, further stimulating economic development and urbanization. Social activities in Donji Miholjac, such as the work of the parish, schools, sports, culture, and various societies, had a decisive impact on shaping the local community. The Parish of St. Michael, with its long-standing tradition, was the center of religious and spiritual life. The development of education in Miholjac enabled the education of the local population, while sports and cultural activities enriched social life. Through various cultural societies, reading rooms, and associations, Donji Miholjac developed a rich tradition of social activities that contributed to the preservation of local culture and identity. |