Sažetak | Obitelj je sustav koji je iznimno važan i ključan čimbenik u životu svakog djeteta, no statistički podatci pokazuju da je razvod braka sve učestaliji pa tako svaki treći brak završi razvodom. Razvod braka svakako je jedan od najstresnijih događaja u životu pojedinca, naročito djece. Brojna istraživanja bave se utjecajem razvoda braka na djecu te su rezultati pokazali da se djeca različito nose s razvodom svojih roditelja ovisno o dobi, spolu, karakteru djeteta i stilu privrženosti koju su razvili u najranijem djetinjstvu. Neka istraživanja pokazuju da iskustvo razvoda roditelja u djetinjstvu može imati posljedice na partnerske odnose u odrasloj dobi. Međutim, jasno je da u razmatranju posljedica razvoda braka na dijete uz čimbenike vezane uz dijete treba uzeti u obzir i razinu konflikta među roditeljima odnosno postojanje ili nepostojanje jasnog dogovora o skrbništvu nad djetetom. Pri razvodu braka jedna od najvažnijih uloga roditelja trebala bi biti briga o dobrobiti djeteta i ublažavanje posljedica razvoda braka na dijete, uz jasan naglasak da je razvod prekid partnerskog odnosa a ne roditeljske uloge. Visoko konfliktni razvodi i borba oko skrbništva nad djecom mogu ostaviti nesagledive posljedice na razvoj i mentalno zdravlje djeteta, naročito kada su u pitanju predškolska djeca koja su jedna od ranjivijih skupina obzirom na njihovu ovisnost o roditeljima. Kako je važna suradnja i međusobni dogovor razvedenih roditelja, tako je važna i uloga odgojitelja u lakšoj prilagodbi predškolskog djeteta u cjelokupnom procesu prije, za vrijeme i nakon razvoda braka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The family is a system that is extremely important and a key factor in the life of every child, but statistics show that divorce is becoming more frequent, every third marriage ends in divorce. Divorce is certainly one of the most stressful events in the life of an individual, especially for children. Numerous studies deal with the impact of divorce on children, and the results have shown that children cope with the divorce of their parents differently, depending on the age, gender, character of the child and attachment style that developed in early childhood. Some research shows that the experience of parental divorce in childhood can have consequences on partner relationships in adulthood. However, it is clear that in considering the consequences of divorce on the child, in addition to factors related to the child, the level of conflict between the parents should be taken into account, that is, the existence or non-existence of a clear agreement on the custody of the child. When divorcing, one of the most important roles of parents should be taking care of the child's well-being and mitigating the consequences of divorce on the child, with a clear emphasis on the fact that divorce is the termination of a partnership and not the parental role. High-conflict divorces and the fight over custody of children can leave unfathomable consequences on the child's development and mental health, especially when it comes to preschool children, who are one of the more vulnerable groups given their dependence on their parents. Just as the cooperation and mutual agreement of divorced parents is important, so is the role of the preschool teacher in facilitating the adjustment of the preschool child in the entire process before, during and after the divorce. |