Sažetak | Temeljem povijesnih izvora u komparaciji s objavljenom literaturom strukturirana je obimna znanstvena studija koja prvi put predočava cjelovit spektar društvenih i gospodarskih prilika na području Kupresa (BiH) od 19. do polovice 20. stoljeća. Provedeno znanstveno istraživanje bilo je utoliko zahtjevnije jer je količina povijesnih izvora koji su danas na raspolaganju bitno umanjena zbog paljenja i stradanja u brojnim ratovima u tom razdoblju. S druge strane, istraživanje je iznova potvrdilo svu složenost i brojne specifičnosti života domaćeg i doseljenog stanovništva na područje vrlo visoke nadmorske visine, s malo poljoprivrednog obradivog tla i vrlo škrtog vodotocima, uz to dosta oštrih klimatskih obilježja. Glavni način opstanka ljudi na Kupresu do 20. stoljeća bio je bavljenje stočarstvom. Ovo je planinsko područje tisućljećima, pa i u tome razdoblju, bilo ne najlakša ali zato najkraća poveznica istočnojadranskih i duboko zaobalnih tržišta. Svako od ovih tržišta imalo je različit spektar trgovačkih roba za koje je ona druga destinacija bila zainteresirana. Međutim, te su trgovačke veze (najčešće karavanske) ovdje dovodile i vojske, ali i razbojnike. Domaće stanovništvo nije imalo koristi ni od jednih od njih, već tek pogibelj, pljačku i raznolika stradanja. Položaj stanovništva na Kupresu do 20. stoljeća bio je posljedica osmanske sigurnosne i migracijske politike. U devastiranom području Osmanlije su naselili pravoslavno stočarsko stanovništvo – Vlahe. Na taj je način stvoren karakterističan raspored stanovništva. U gradu su živjeli muslimani, katolici su živjeli u predgrađima i ruralnim područjima, a pravoslavno stanovništvo u daljem okruženju. Pravoslavno stanovništvo je imalo vojnu ulogu osiguravanja planinskih prijevoja. Osmansko razdoblje karakterizirale su egzistencijalna i fizička nesigurnost, ali i duboka vjerska podjela društva. Konzervativna muslimanska društvena elita u 19. stoljeću nije mogla prihvatiti društvene promjene. Posljedice opće nesigurnosti, sukoba lokalnih autoriteta i središnje vlasti kao i ustanka nemuslimanskog stanovništva odnosile su se i na stanje na Kupresu. Nove austrougarske vlasti osigurale su sigurno okruženje za gospodarski razvitak, prije svega trgovinu. Jedinstven položaj Kupresa u Bosni i Hercegovini prepoznat je kao prilika za napredak stočarstva. Država je stimulirala poboljšanje kvalitete stoke. Ovo je također razdoblje razvitka grada Kupresa. Izgradnja željeznice, kao pokretača napretka, bila je planirana, ali rat ju je spriječio 1914. godine. Bogata društvena klasa trgovaca poticala je kulturno, nacionalno i političko organiziranje. Austrougarske vlasti nisu mogle spriječiti nacionalno organiziranje. Nisu riješile ni agrarno pitanje. Nakon Prvog svjetskog rata Srbi su vršili politički pritisak i nasilje nad drugim narodima. Kao i u ostalim krajevima, polarizacija Srba i Hrvata događa se i na Kupresu. Nakon duge političke borbe za vlastita prava, Hrvati su pozdravili uspostavu Banovine Hrvatske. U Drugom svjetskom ratu različiti nacionalni i ideološki ciljevi postizani su oružjem. Smrtno je stradalo brojno civilno stanovništvo. Zbog svog strateškog položaja, Kupres je igrao važnu ulogu u složenim odnosima naoružanih skupina i vojnih snaga različitih ideologija i nacionalnog sastava. Ako se zanemare ideološke odrednice, glavne borbe 1942. godine obilježio je sukob hrvatskih i srpsko-crnogorskih snaga. Za vrijeme rata na Kupresu događao se progon ljudi. Posljedica je bila depopulacija tog teritorija. Demografska obnova počela je nakon rata. Ali vrlo brzo se pojavio novi val iseljavanja. Iako je u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji proglašena nacionalna ravnopravnost, na Kupresu je potican razvitak srpskih sela, iako je i dalje bio ograničen. |
Sažetak (engleski) | On the basis of historical sources, in comparison with published literature, a large-scale scientific study was structured, for the first time presented a complete range of social and economic opportunities in Kupres (BiH) area from the 19th to the mid-20th century. The scientific research that was carried out, has been even more demanding due to the fact that the amount of historical sources available today, are substantially reduced by the ignition and casualties of numerous wars during that period. On the other hand, the study reconfirmed the complexity and numerous specific features of the life of the native and displaced population in the area of a very high altitude, with little agricultural land and very poor watercourses, in adition with harsh climate. The main way of survival in the Kupres until the 20th century was cattle breeding. For thousands of years, even in that period, this mountainous area was not the easiest but, therefore was the shortest link between the eastern Adriatic markets and the deep hinterland markets. They both worked with different types of merchandise wich suited both destinations. However, these trade links (most often caravans) brought here armies as well as bandits. Domestic population did not benefit from any of them. On contrary, they brought them only the deaths, looting and various types of sufferings. A position of Kupres population until the 20th century was a consequence of the Ottoman security and migration policies. In devastated area, the Ottomans settled the Orthodox population – Vlachs, known as livestock breeders. In this way, a characteristic distribution of the population was created. In that way, they distributed the population as thay wanted: Muslims lived in the city, Catholics lived in the suburbs and rural areas, and Orthodox lived a bit further of all of them. Their rule was a military one; they secured mountain passes.The Ottoman period was characterised by existential and physical insecurity, but also by a deep religious division of society. The conservative Muslim social elite in the 19th century could not accept social changes. The effects of the general insecurity, the conflict between local authorities and the central government, as well as the uprising of the non-Muslim population, reflected to the situation in Kupres. The new Austro-Hungarian authorities provided a secure environment for economic development, primarily trade. The unique position of Kupres in Bosnia and Herzegovina was recognized as the opportunity for the progress of cattle breeding. The state stimulated an improvement in the quality of the livestock. That was also the period when the city of Kupres developed. Unfortunately, the war which broke out in 1914. stopped a construction of the railway which shoud secure a further developement of Kupres. The rich social class of merchants encouraged cultural, national and political organizing. The Austro-Hungarian authorities could not prevent national organizing. They did not solve the agrarian issues either. After The World War I Serbs exerted political pressure and violence against other nations. The polarization of Serbs and Croats occured in Kupres as well as in other regions. After a long political struggle for their rights, the Croats welcomed the establishment of the Banovina of Croatia. In the World War II different national and ideological goals have been achieved by weapons. Many civilians were killed. Due to its strategic position, Kupres played an important role in the complex relationships among armed groups and military forces of different ideologies and nationalities. If we ignore ideological determination, the major fights in 1942 were characterized by the conflict between Croatian and Serbian-Montenegrian forces. During the war, persecution took place in Kupres, followed by depopulation of that territory. Demographic renewal began after the war. But, very soon a new wave of emigration emerged. Although the equality of nation was proclaimed in socialist Yugoslavia, the development of Serbian villages was encouraged in Kupres, even though it was limited. |