Sažetak | Ljudi visoke emocionalne inteligencije lakše percipiraju, kontroliraju i procjenjuju vlastite i tuđe osjećaje oko sebe. Kontrola emocija i samosvijest o emocijama za pojedinca ima veliku ulogu u životu pa tako i u osnovnoškolskoj dobi. Većina istraživanja o emocionalnoj inteligenciji koja su provedena u posljednjih dvadesetak godina provedena su na uzorcima studenata i starijih. Upravo zbog toga ovim istraživanjem naglasak smo stavili na djecu i mlade. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest utvrditi koji su to ponašajni korelati emocionalne inteligencije kod djece i mladih te utvrditi postoje li razlike u emocionalnoj kompetentnosti uzimajući u obzir spol i dob. Istraživanju je pristupilo 317 učenika i učenica četvrtih i osmih razreda osnovnih škola u Zadru. Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja sastavljen je upitnik koji se sastoji od nekoliko mjernih instrumenata: „Test prepoznavanje emocija na licu osoba na fotografijama“ ( radost, tuga, ljutnja i strah) (Barbir, Ćelić, Gregorić, 2014), prilagođeni „Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti za djecu rane adolescentske dobi“-UEK-D (Stupin, 2017), „Skala za procjenu direktne i indirektne agresivnosti“ (Björqvist, Lagerspetz i Österman, 1992b) koju je konstruirala Milanović (2004), te „Skala prisnosti u prijateljstvu“ (Lacković-Grgin, Valčić,
2000). Analizom prikupljenih podataka dobili smo rezultate da nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na spol u prepoznavanju emocija kod dječaka i djevojčica. Gledajući razlike s obzirom na spol kod emocionalne kompetentnosti nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Rezultati su pokazali značajnu dobnu razliku u emocionalnoj kompetentnosti u korist mlađih učenika. Nadalje, kada se ispitivala agresija, dječaci su se više procijenili agresivnima u direktnoj agresiji odnosu na djevojčice. No, u procjeni indirektne agresije procjene se nisu statistički značajno razlikovale među dječacima i djevojčicama. Dokazali smo što je učenik emocionalno kompetentniji tj. zna izraziti i imenovati svoje emocije, pokazuje manje agresije te je uspješniji u školi. Dobiveni su rezultati da je emocionalna kompetentnost i prisnost (kvaliteta) u prijateljstvu pozitivno povezana. Učenici koji su se procijenili emocionalno kompetentnima imaju i bolji odnos sa svojim prijateljem. |
Sažetak (engleski) | People with high emotional intelligence are able to perceive, control and assess their own feelings with ease, as well as other people’s feelings. Both the ability to control emotions and emotional self-awareness play a tremendous role in one’s life. This, however, refers, not only to an adult period but also to children during their primary education period. The majority of research on emotional intelligence conducted during the last twenty years had been predominantly carried out on a sample of students and the elderly. With that being said, this research will focus on children and youth solely. This specific research aims to determine what are the behavioural correlates of emotional intelligence among children and youth, as well as, to assess whether there is any difference in participants’ emotional competence according to their gender and age. A total of 317 students took part in the research. The respondents attended 4th and 8th grade of two different primary schools in Zadar, Croatia. The questionnaire was designed for research purposes and consisted of several measuring instruments, i.e., The recognition test of facial expressions of the emotions such as happiness, sorrow, anger and fear among people displayed on pictures (Barbir, Ćelić, Gregorić, 2014), The Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire -UEK-D by Stupin (2017), specifically customized for early adolescent participants, The Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale (Björqvist, Lagerspetz and Österman, 1992b) and lastly, Ruth Sharabany’s (1974) Intimate Friendship Scale. The research data analysis showed no statistically significant gender difference when it comes to emotions recognition among boys and girls. Additionally, the analysis regarding emotional competence showed no statistically significant gender difference either. However, there was a significant age difference in emotional competence among younger students. In terms of aggression analysis results, it turns out that boys assessed themselves as more aggressive in the direct aggression compared to girls. But, in the assessment of indirect aggression the assessments are not statistically significant differences between boys and girls. The research has also unveiled that the more emotionally competent a student is (i.e. knows how to express and name his/her own emotions) the less aggressive and more academically successful he or she will be. Furthermore, the results gathered showed a positive correlation between emotional competence and friendship intimacy. Namely, the respondents who have assessed themselves as emotionally competent also have a better relationship with their friend(s). |