Sažetak | Mobing je postao sve prisutniji problem u suvremenim organizacijama kojemu se pridaje premalo pažnje, a nekima čak nije ni poznat, tj. uopće ne znaju što isti znači. Mobing provodi pojedinac (ili više njih) kako bi napao žrtvu, na različite moguće načine te prouzrokovao njeno omalovažavanje i diskriminaciju. Navedenim ponašanjem razvijaju se različite posljedice, prvenstveno za samu žrtvu, a potom i za ostatak njene obitelji, ali i organizaciju u kojoj je zaposlena. Uzroci mobinga mogu biti različiti, a, prema dostupnoj literaturi, kao i anketiranim te intervjuiranim pojedincima, najčešći su individualne karakteristike žrtve, ali i počinitelja, ljubomora, zavist, jaka konkurencija i slično. Ovisno o tome tko su njegovi počinitelji, a tko žrtve, postoje različite vrste mobinga, ali bez obzira o kojoj se vrsti radilo, zasigurno svaka od njih ostavlja dugotrajne posljedice na žrtvi i ostalim sudionicima mobinga. Posljedice mobinga su najčešće teške i zbog toga žrtvi treba stručna pomoć s dugotrajnim liječenjem i upravo zato, kako bi se isto izbjeglo, svaka organizacija treba provoditi prevenciju mobinga. Pod time se misli na unaprjeđenje radne okoline, radnog vremena i sustava nagrađivanja te poboljšanja poslovanja organizacije za što bi trebali biti zaduženi pojedinci odgovorni za upravljanje ljudskim resursima. Budući da se u današnje vrijeme ljudski resursi smatraju najvrjednijim i najznačajnijim resursom svake organizacije, menadžeri ljudskih resursa imaju sve teži i kompleksniji zadatak, a jedan je od njih upravo briga o mobingu i njegovom sprječavanju. Stoga se kao glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada nameće važnost menadžmenta ljudskih resursa kao i pojašnjenje njegovih zadataka u vidu prevencije i sprječavanja mobinga u organizaciji. U skladu s time, provela su se istraživanja putem ankete (244 ispitanika) i intervjua (šest menadžera), a sve kako bi se prepoznala važnost ovih menadžera te njihov utjecaj na prevenciju i sprječavanje mobinga. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Mobbing has become an increasingly present problem in modern organizations, to which too little attention is paid, and to some it is not even known, i.e. they do not know what it means at all. Mobbing is carried out by an individual (or several of them) in order to attack the victim, in various possible ways, and to cause him to be humiliated and discriminated against. The aforementioned behavior develops various consequences, primarily for the victim herself, and then for the rest of her family, as well as the organization in which she is employed. The causes of mobbing can be different, and according to the available literature, as well as the surveyed and interviewed individuals, the most common are the individual characteristics of the victim and the perpetrator, jealousy, envy, strong competition and the like. Depending on who are the perpetrators and who are the victims, there are different types of mobbing, but regardless of which type it was, each of them certainly leaves long-lasting consequences on the victim and other mobbing participants. The consequences of mobbing are usually severe, and because of this, the victim needs professional help with long-term treatment, and that is exactly why, in order to avoid the same, every organization should implement mobbing prevention. By this is meant the improvement of the working environment, working hours and reward system, as well as the improvement of the organization's operations, which should be the responsibility of the individuals responsible for human resources management. Since human resources are nowadays considered the most valuable and significant resource of any organization, human resource managers have an increasingly difficult and complex task, and one of them is taking care of mobbing and its prevention. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is the importance of human resources management, as well as the clarification of its tasks in the form of prevention and prevention of mobbing in the organization. Accordingly, research was conducted through surveys (244 respondents) and interviews (six managers), all in order to recognize the importance of both managers and their influence on the prevention and prevention of mobbing. |