Sažetak | Podaci o mikroflori probavnog sustava glavate želve i antimikrobnoj rezistenciji su
poprilicno oskudni. Gastrointestinalna mikroflora gmazova se primarno sastoji od aerobnih i
anaerobnih gram negativnih i gram pozitivnih bakterija, gljivica i protozoa. Vecina izolata su
opisani kao oportunisticki patogeni koji mogu izazvati bolest u imunokompromitiranih ljudi i
Cilj ovog rada je bio bolji uvid u mikrofloru probavnog sustava glavate želve i
rezistenciju bakterijskih izolata na antibiotike. Ove informacije mogu poslužiti u svrhu
lijecenja i primjene antibiotika u ozlijedenih kornjaca na oporavku u centrima za rehabilitaciju
morskih kornjaca, ali i kao bioindikator zagadenja morskog okruženja industrijskim i
poljoprivrednim otpadom.
Uzeti su obrisci usne šupljine i kloake 17 glavatih želvi iz Centra za oporavak morskih
kornjaca Pula. Uzorci su analizirani u laboratoriju Zavoda za bolesti peradi s klinikom
Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveucilišta u Zagrebu. Obrisci su nasadeni na neutralni i briljant
zeleni agar, te inkubirani 24 sata na sobnoj temperaturi. Bakterije su identificirane bojanjem
po Gramu, testom tvorbe katalaze i citokrom oksidaze te API biokemijskim testovima. Za
dokaz gljivica uzorci su nasadeni na Sabouraudov agar i inkubirani 5 dana na sobnoj
temperaturi. Osjetljivost prema antimikrobnim pripravcima odredena je disk difuzijskim
postupkom (antibiogram).
Izolirano je ukupno 12 razlicitih gram negativnih bakterija (S. putrefaciens, E. coli, P.
fluorescens, P.vulgaris, A. hydrophila, P. aeruginosae, A. salmonicida, E. aerogenes, P.
mirabilis, M. morganii, C. braaki i C. freundii), 5 gram pozitivnih (M. luteus, Micrococcus
sp., S. contus, S. carnosus i Bacillus sp.) i 4 gljivice (Mucor sp., R. rubra, C. albicans i
Cladosporium sp.). Bakterijski sojevi su pokazali raznoliku rezistentnost prema 11 antibiotika
(gentamicin, enrofloksacin, ceftazidime, azitromicin, amoksicilin-klavulonska kiselina,
lincomicin, tetraciklin, trimetroprim–sulfametoxsazol, ciprofloksacin, cefotaksim i
amoksicilin). Najveca rezistentnost bila je na amoksicilin i linkomicin, a najmanja na
Vecina izoliranih bakterija i gljivica predstavljaju normalnu mikrofloru morskog
okruženja i probavnog sustava morskih kornjaca, no ipak mogu biti i potencijalni patogeni u
životinja koje su ozlijedene ili pod stresom, te imunokompromitiranih ljudi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The information on normal gastrointestinal microflora in loggerhead sea turtle and
antimicrobial resistance are quite scarce. Gastrointestinal microflora of reptiles consists
primarily of aerobic and anaerobic gram positive and gram negative bacteria, fungi and
protozoa. Most isolates are described as opportunistic pathogens that can cause disease in
immunocompromised animals and humans.
The aim of this study was to improve knowledge about microflora of the digestive
system of loggerhead sea turtle and the resistance of bacterial isolates to antibiotics. This
information can be used for better treatment of injured turtles in rehabilitation centers of sea
turtles and also as bioindicator of pollution of the marine environment.
The swabs were taken from oral cavity and cloaca of 17 loggerhead sea turtles from
Pula rescue center. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of the Department of Avian
Diseases with Clinic on Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. Swabs were
plated on Nutrient agar and Brilliant green agar and incubated for 24 hours at room
temperature. The bacteria were identified by Gram staining, catalase and cytochrome oxidase
tests and API biochemical tests. Samples for fungi identifications were plated on Sabouraud
agar and incubated for 5 days at room temperature. Sensitivity to antimicrobial preparations
was determined by disk diffusion method.
A total of 12 different gram-negative bacteria (S. putrefaciens, E. coli, P. fluorescens,
P. vulgaris, A. hydrophila, P. aeruginosae, A. salmonicida, E. aerogenes, P. mirabilis, M.
morganii C. braaki and C. freundii), 5 gram positive (M. luteus, Micrococcus sp., S. contus, S.
carnosus and Bacillus sp.) and 4 fungi (Mucor sp., R. rubra, C. albicans and Cladosporium
sp.) were isolated from oral cavity and cloacal swabs. Bacterial strains showed a variety
resistant to 11 antibiotics (gentamicin, enrofloxacin, ceftazidime, azithromycin, amoxicillin -
clavulanate, lincomicin, tetracycline, trimethroprim-sulfametoxsazol, ciprofloxacin,
cefotaxime and amoxicillin). The highest resistance was to amoxicillin and lincomicin, and
the lowest to gentamicin.
Most of the isolated bacteria and fungi are normal inhabitants of the marine
environment and the gastrointestinal system of sea turtles. Someone of this isolates may be
potential pathogens in animals that are injured or stressed, and immunocompromised humans. |