Sažetak | Lipidni sastav tkiva vrlo je promjenjiv i ovisan o načinu prehrane. Praćenje lipidnog sastava različitih tkiva može se dobiti uvid u hranidbene navike životinje, fiziološki i zdravstveni status te kvalitetu staništa. Cilj ovog rada bio utvrditi lipidni sastav jetre, potkožnog i perirenalnog masnog tkiva te m. gluteus superficialiss, m. semitendinosus, m. vastus lateralis ženki i mužjaka sivog vuka Hrvatske te odstupanja u sastavu masnih tvari s obzirom na spol, tjelesnu masu i sezonu uzorkovanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 36 jedinki vuka legalno odstrijeljenih u sklopu zakonitog zahvata u populaciju (14 ženki i 22 mužjaka). Masnokiselinski sastav je određen plinskom kromatografijom nakon ekstrakcije masti iz tkiva, a koncentracija triacilglicerola, ukupnog kolesterola i fosfolipida spektrofotometrijski. U jetri i mišićima sivog vuka prevladavaju zasićene masne kiseline (SFA), dok u perirenalnom i potkožnom masnom prevladavaju masne kiseline s jednom dvostrukom vezom (MUFA). U m. vastus lateralis utvrđen je veći postotak C18:0 (p=0,02) i manji postotak C18:3 (p=0,05) u težih mužjaka (+25 kg) u usporedbi s lakšima (-25 kg). U m. semintendinosus utvrđen je veći postotak C16:1c/t (p=0,05) i C18:2 (p=0,04) u težih ženki (+ 25 kg) s obzirom na lakše (-25 kg). U potkožnom masnom tkivu utvrđen je veći postotak C18:1c (p=0,03) u težih mužjaka (+25 kg) s obzirom na lakše (-25 kg). U perirenalnm masnom tkivu utvrđen je viši postotak C18:2 (p=0,04) u težih ženki (+25 kg) u usporedbi s težim mužjacima (+25 kg). U jetri je utvrđen viši postotak C20:4n6 (p=0,04) u mužjaka u usporedbi sa ženkama u jesen. U m. vastus lateralis utvrđen je viši postotak MUFA (p=0,04) i C18:0/C18:1 (p=0,03) te niži postotak C18:0 (p=0,01) u ženki u jesen u usporedbi sa ženkama u zimi. U m. semitendinosus ženki utvrđen je viši postotak C18:2 (p=0,03) u zimi u odnosu na jesen. Također su mužjaci u jesen imali viši postotak C18:2 (p=0,01) te omjer n6/n3 (p=0,02) u usporedbi sa ženkama u jesen. U m. gluteus superficialis ženki utvrđen je viši postotak C18:1c/t (p=0,03) i MUFA (p=0,03) u jesen s obzirom na zimi. U potkožnom masnom tkivu mužjaka utvrđen je viši postotak C16:0 (p=0,01) te niži omjer n6/n3 (p=0,04) u jesen nego u zimi. Također je utvrđen viši postotak C16:1t (p=0,02) te niži postotak C20:1 (p=0,02) u jesen mužjaka u jesen s obzirom na ženke. Utvrđen je viši postotak C20:4n6 (p=0,04) u ženki u zimi u odnosu na jesen u perirenalnom masnom tkivu. Ženke u zimi imale su viši postotak C20:4n6 (p=0,03) te C22:5 (p=0,03) u usporedbi s mužjacima. Utvrđena je veća koncentracija ukupnog kolesterola u ženki u m. vastus lateralis u jesen s obzirom na mužjake (p=0,03) i veća koncentracija triacilglicerola u ženki u m. semitendinosus u zimi (p=0,01) u odnosu na mužjake. Na osnovi rezultata možemo zaključiti da se zastupljenost masnih kiselina kod ženki i mužjaka mijenja s obzirom na sezonu, a ovisna je i o tjelesnoj masi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The lipid composition of the tissue is very variable and it also depends on the diet. Lipid composition of different tissues can provide insight into animal nutritional habits, physiological and health status and quality of habitat. The aim of this paper was to determine the lipid composition of the liver, the subcutaneous and perirenal adipose tissue as well as m. gluteus superficialiss, m. semitendinosus, m. vastus lateralis of females and males gray wolf in Croatia and the variation in the composition of fatty substances with regard to sex, body mass and sampling season. The study was conducted on 36 specimens of the gray wolf (14 females and 22 males) harvested during years of legal quota cull. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography after extraction of fat from tissues, and plasma triacylglycerols, total cholesterol and phospholipids were determined using spectrophotometer. Lipids isolated from liver and muscles of gray wolf were dominated by saturated fatty acids (SFA) while lipids isolated from subcutaneous and perirenal adipose tissue were dominated by dominated by fatty acids with one double bond (MUFA). In m. vastus lateralis higher percentage of C18:0 (p=0,02) and lower percentage of C18:3 (p=0,05) were found in males weighting more than 25 kg mass (+25 kg) compared to males weighting less than 25kg (-25 kg). In m. semintendinosus higher percentage of C16:1c/t (p=0,05) and C18:2 (p=0,04) were found in females weighting more than 25 kg compared to females weighting less than 25 kg. In subcutanous asipose tissue higher percentage of C18:1c (p=0,03) was found in males weighting more than 25 kg compared to males weighting less thta 25 kg. In perirenal adipose tissue higher percentage of C18:2 (p=0,02) was found in females weighting more than 25 kg compared to males weighting more than 25 kg. In liver higher percentage of C20:4n6 (p=0,04) was found in males in the autumn comapred to females in the winter. In m. vastus lateralis higher percentage of MUFA (p=0,04) and C18:0/C18:1 (p=0,03) as well as lower percentage of C18:0 (p=0,01) were found in females in the autumn compared to females in the winter. In m. semintendinosus higher percentage of C18:2 (p=0,03) in females in the winter compared to females in the autumn. Also, males in the autumn had higher percentage of C18:2 (p=0,01) and ratio n6/n3 (p=0,02) compared to females. In m. gluteus superficialis higher percentage of C18:1c/t (p=0,03) and MUFA (p=0,03) were found in females in the autumn compared to females in the winter. In subcutaneous adipise tissue higher percentage of C16:0 (p=0,01) and lower ration n6/n3 were
found in males in the autumn compared to males in the winter. Also, higher percenatge of C16:1t (p=0,02) and lower percentage of C20:1 (p=0,02) were found in males in the autumn compared to females. In perirenal adipose tissue higher percentage of C20:4n6 (p=0,04) in females in the winter compared to the females in the autumn. Females in the winter had higher percentage of C20:4n6 (p=0,03) and C22:5 (p=0,03) compared to males. Higher concentration of total cholesterol was found in females in m. vastus lateralis in the autumn compared to males (p=0,03) and higher concentration in m. semitendinosus in females in the winter (p=0,01) compared to males. Based on the results, we can conclude that the presence of fatty acids, for both females and males, differs according to the season, and is dependent on the body mass. |