Sažetak | Kardiovaskularne bolesti se danas smatraju vodećim uzrokom smrti u razvijenim
zemljama. Većina kardiovaskularnih bolesti povezuje se sa staničnim i tkivnim oštećenjima
nastalim zbog dugotrajnog izlaganja oksidacijskom stresu. Ispitivanja svojstava miokarda teško
su provediva na ljudima, te se stoga svinje sve više koriste kao reprezentativni životinjski
model, i to zbog svojih anatomskih, histoloških i biokemijskih sličnosti.
Cilj rada bio je istražiti spolne razlike metabolizma masti i oksidacijskog stresa u
krvnom serumu i srčanom mišiću svinja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 15 klinički zdravih spolno
zrelih svinja (5 nerasta, 5 ženki i 5 kastriranih mužjaka). Uzorci krvi su uzeti punkcijom v.
jugularis u epruvete bez antikoagulansa (Vacutainer BD tube sa SSt II gelom, Plymouth, UK).
U uzorcima krvnoga seruma određene su aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation
reduktaze (GSH-RD), superoksid dismutaze (SOD), gama glutamil transferaze (GGT) i laktat
dehidrogenaze (LDH) te koncentracije triacilglicerola, fosfolipida, kolesterola, HDLkolesterola,
LDL-kolesterola, slobodnih masnih kiselina (SMK) i malonildialdehida (MDA). U
uzorcima srčanoga mišića (lijevi ventrikul) određene su aktivnosti GSH-Px, GSH-RD, SOD,
GGT i LDH te koncentracije triacilglicerola, fosfolipida, kolesterola i MDA.
Rezultati su pokazali da ženke imaju značajno višu (p < 0,05) razinu kolesterola,
fosfolipida i GSH-Px u krvnom serumu od nerasta, te nešto višu razinu GGT-a, LDH,
triacilglicerola i HDL-kolesterola. Istovremeno, nerasti su u serumu imali više razine GSH-RD,
SOD, LDL-kolesterola, SMK i MDA od ženki. Rezultati dobiveni u miokardu su u skladu s
onima dobivenim u krvnom serumu, osim razina GSH-RD, SOD i triacilglicerola. Tako su
izmjerene aktivnosti GSH-RD, LDH i SOD bile više u ženki, dok su koncentracije
triacilglicerola u srčanom mišiću ženki bile niže nego u mužjaka. Kastrirani mužjaci su imali
značajno višu (p < 0,05) koncentraciju MDA u serumu i miokardu od ženki.
Povoljniji omjer LDL:HDL kolesterola i antioksidacijskih enzima GSH-Px:SOD u
krvnom serumu, te najmanja koncentracija pokazatelja lipidne peroksidacije (MDA) u krvnom
serumu i miokardu ženki upućuje na veću otpornost ženskih životinja na oksidacijski stres, što
bi se moglo pripisati antioksidacijskom učinku estrogena |
Sažetak (engleski) | Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in industrialised countries which
displays significant gender-based differences. Most cardiovascular diseases are connected with
cellular and tissue damage caused by a long-term exposure to oxidative stress. It is also known
that lipid peroxidation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
Testing myocardial characteristics in the human heart can often be hard or impossible to
perform. Because of their anatomical, histological and biochemical cardiovascular similarities,
swine are concidered to be the best animal models for cardiovascular research.
This study aimed to investigate potential gender-related differences of lipid metabolism
and oxidative stress in swine's blood serum and myocardium. The study was conducted on 15
clinically healthy sexually mature pigs (5 boars, 5 females and 5 males castrated). Blood
samples were taken by puncture v. jugularis in tubes without anticoagulant (Vacutainer tubes
with BD SSt II gel, Plymouth, UK). In the obtained blood serum the activities of glutathione
peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GSH-RD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), gamma
glutamyl transferase (GGT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well as concentrations of
triacylglycerols, fofsolipids, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, free fatty acids
(FFA) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined. In heart muscle (left ventricle) samples
the activities of GSH-Px, GSH-RD, SOD, GGT and LDH, and concentrations of
triacylglycerols, fofsolipids, cholesterol and MDA were determined.
The results showed that females have significantly higher levels (p < 0.05) of total
cholesterol, phospholipids and GSH-Px in the blood serum, but not significantly higher (p >
0.05) levels of GGT, LDH, triacylglycerols and HDL-cholesterol compared to the respective
levels in male swine. At the same time, the boars had higher levels of GSH-RD, SOD, LDLcholesterol,
FFA and MDA in the blood serum than females. Results from myocardial tissue
correspond to the ones measured in the blood serum, with the exception of GSH-RD, LDH,
SOD and triacylglycerols levels. Measured GSH-RD, LDH and SOD acitvities were higher in
females than those in males, and the triacylglycerols levels were lower in females. Castrated
males had significantly higher (p <0.05) concentration of MDA in blood serum and
myocardium than females. 31
The most favorable LDL:HDL and GSH-Px:SOD ratio in the blood serum, and the
lowest levels of lipid peroxidation indicator (MDA) in the blood serum and myocardium were
found in females, suggesting their better antioxidative resistance. |