Sažetak | Glavni cilj diplomskog rada bio je provesti istraživanje o razvoju i utjecaju kruzing turizma u Dubrovniku, analizirajući koje pozitivne i negativne učinke generira kruzing industrija u Dubrovniku te kako se to odražava na lokalnu zajednicu i okoliš. U teorijskom dijelu rada dan je prikaz razvoja i provedbe kruzing turizma u svijetu i Dubrovniku, a u istraživanju je istražena potrošnja turista s kruzera tijekom njihovog boravka u gradu. Istraživanjem provedenim među turistima s kruzera pokušalo se doći do odgovora o općim podacima o turistu i zadovoljstvu destinacijom. Nakon provedene ankete rezultati su se usporedili s potrošnjom stacionarnih turista u Dubrovniku te su također istražene i ekstremne situacije kruzing turizma i u drugim zemljama. Korištene su metode anketiranja, komparacije i metoda analize. Rezultati iz provedene ankete pokazuju da se potrošnja kruzing turista tijekom njihovog boravka u Dubrovniku poklapa s istraživanjem TOMAS Dubrovnik 2018.
Kruzeri u Dubrovniku ne stvaraju još uvijek negativne učinke iako je to upitno jer se uglavnom zbog njih Dubrovnik našao na listi nepoželjnih destinacija zbog prenatrpanosti, no pritisci su sve jači te bi svakako trebalo donijeti strateški plan za upravljanje kruzing turizmom u Dubrovniku. Također, potrebno je napraviti detaljnu studiju o procjeni svih učinaka na destinaciju kako bi se kruzing turizam provodio na održivoj razini zato što je zaštita okoliša od negativnog utjecaja kruzera jedan od gorućih problema većeg broja turističkih luka. Kako bi se Dubrovnik pa i cijela Hrvatska nosili s tim, potrebna je reciklaža otpada, spajanje na izvor „kopnene“ električne energije dok su kruzeri u luci, zabrana svih vrsta ispuštanja, odnosno odlaganja u more otpada, pepela, sivih i crnih voda, opasnih tvari, omogućiti brzo i učinkovito sankcioniranje prekršitelja zakona i međunarodnih konvencija te kvalitetniji nadzor kretanja kruzera. Na kraju provedenog istraživanja na teorijskoj razini kao i ankete provedene među turistima s kruzera, dobivena je slika o kruzing turizmu u Dubrovniku. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The main aim of the thesis was to conduct research on the develompent and impact of cruise tourism in Dubrovnik, analyzing the positive and negative effects generated by the cruise industry in Dubrovnik, and how it affects the local community and the environment. The theoretical part of the paper gives an overview of the development and implementation of cruise tourism in the world and Dubrovnik, and the study explores the consumption of cruise tourists during their stay in the city. The survey conducted among tourists from cruisers tried to find answers about general tourist information, satisfaction with the destination. After the survey, the results were compared with the consumption of stationary tourists in Dubrovnik, and the extreme situations of cruise tourism in other countries were also explored. Survey methods, comparisons and analysis methods were used. The results of the survey show that the consumption of cruise tourists during their stay in Dubrovnik coincides with the TOMAS Dubrovnik 2018 survey.
Cruisers in Dubrovnik do not produce any negative effects yet, although it is questionable because, mostly because of them, Dubrovnik has been on the list of undesirable destinations due to congestion, but the pressures are increasing and a strategic plan for managing cruise tourism in Dubrovnik should definitely be adopted. It is also necessary to carry out a detailed study on the assessment of all the effects on the destination in order to make cruise tourism sustainable. Because protecting the environment from the negative impact of cruisers is one of the burning problems of many tourist ports. In order for Dubrovnik and the whole of Croatia to cope with this, it is necessary to recycle waste, to connect to the source of „land“ electricity while cruisers are in port, to ban all types of discharges, that is, disposal of waste, ash, gray and black waters, hazardous substances into the sea, enable fast and efficient sanctioning of violators of laws and international conventions, and better monitoring of the movement of cruisers. At the end of the research at the theoretical level as well as the survey conducted among tourists from cruisers, a picture of cruise tourism in Dubrovnik was obtained. |