Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike u izvorima (ne)zadovoljstva poslom i radnog stresa kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara u javnom i privatnom sektoru te utvrditi izvore nezadovoljstva poslom i radnog stresa. Uz spomenuto, cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti postoji li razlika između (ne)zadovoljstva poslom, radnog stresa i sindroma sagorijevanja s obzirom na sektor rada (javni/privatni) ispitanika uključenih u ovo istraživanje. Podaci u ovom istraživanju dobiveni su korištenjem „Skale zadovoljstva poslom“ (Spector, 1997) za istraživanje izvora (ne)zadovoljstva poslom, sažetom verzijom „Proširene skale stresa u sestrinstvu“ (French, Lenton, Walters i Eyles, 1995) za istraživanje izvora stresa te skale iscrpljenosti iz „Oldenburškog upitnika sagorijevanja“ (Demerouti, Bakker, 2008) za istraživanje sindroma sagorijevanja. Anketnim upitnikom obuhvaćeno je ukupno 576 ispitanika koji rade u zdravstvenom sektoru. Istraživanje je provedeno korištenjem online anketnog upitnika u razdoblju pandemije koja je bila uzrokovana bolešću COVID-19. Nakon istraživanja podaci su analizirani korištenjem deskriptivne statistike, t-testa te Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije. S aspekta zadovoljstva poslom, usprkos tome što ispitanici iz javnog sektora iskazuju manju razinu zadovoljstva poslom, nije uočena statistički značajna razlika među ispitanicima koji rade u javnom i onih koji rade u privatnom sektoru. Na razini cjelokupnog uzorka ispitanici generalno iskazuju visoko zadovoljstvo radnim mjestom, kolegicama, kolegama i nadređenim osobama, a nisko zadovoljstvo iskazuju prema financijskim i drugim oblicima nagrada. Visoke razine nezadovoljstva iskazane su prema organizacijskim aspektima institucija u kojima su ispitanici zaposleni, manjkom materijalnih nagrada te opterećenošću administrativnim poslovima. U kontekstu percepcije radnog stresa i sindroma sagorijevanja uočena je statistički značajna razlika među ispitanicima koji rade u javnom i privatnom sektoru. Drugim riječima, ispitanici iz javnog sektora iskazuju veću razinu radnog stresa te sindroma sagorijevanja u odnosu na ispitanike iz privatnog sektora. Također, provedene korelacije pokazuju kako je percepcija radnog stresa povezana sa sindromom sagorijevanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper was to determine whether there are differences in the sources of job (dis)satisfaction and work stress among nurses and technicians in the public and private sectors, and to determine the sources of job dissatisfaction and work stress. In addition to the aforementioned, the aim of this paper was to investigate whether there is a difference between job (dis)satisfaction, work stress and burnout syndrome with regard to the work sector (public/private) of the participants involved in this research. The data in this study were obtained using the "Job Satisfaction Survey" (Spector, 1997) to investigate sources of job (dis)satisfaction, a shortened version of the "Expanded Nursing Stress Scale" (French, Lenton, Walters, & Eyles, 1995) to investigate sources of stress and the exhaustion scale from the "Oldenburg Burnout Questionnaire" (Demerouti, Bakker, 2008) for the study of burnout syndrome. The questionnaire included a total of 576 respondents who work in the health sector. The research was conducted using an online survey questionnaire during the pandemic caused by the disease COVID-19. After the research, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient. From the aspect of job satisfaction, despite the fact that respondents from the public sector express a lower level of job satisfaction, no statistically significant difference was observed between respondents who work in the public sector and those who work in the private sector. At the level of the entire sample, respondents generally express high satisfaction with their workplace, female colleagues, colleagues and superiors, and they do not express low satisfaction with financial and other forms of rewards. High levels of dissatisfaction were expressed according to the organizational aspects of the institutions where the respondents were employed, smaller material rewards and the burden of administrative tasks. In the context of the perception of work stress and burnout syndrome, a statistically significant difference was observed between respondents working in the public and private sectors. In other words, respondents from the public sector report a higher level of work stress and burnout syndrome compared to respondents from the private sector. Also, the conducted correlations show that the perception of work stress is related to burnout syndrome. |