Sažetak | U ovomu završnom radu dokazat ćemo kako odabrani pojmovi nemaju jasnu granicu u poslovanju digitalnih software agencija te sektoru IT-a u cijelosti. Također ćemo pokazati kako se primjenjuju određeni alati i strategije u odabranoj branši. Cijeli je rad pisan na temelju praktičnog iskustva rada u Dings solutionsu. IT sektor sam je po sebi prilično kompleksan, ali radi neprestana širenja i sve veće potrebe za njim u svakodnevnom obavljanju određenih zadataka potražnja je za dobrim stručnim kadrom velika. Dobar stručni kadar donosi bolju konkurentnost na tržištu koje iz dana u dan raste sve brže. U ovom smo radu definirali odabrane pojmove radi boljeg razumijevanja različitosti u IT sektoru te potreba navedene branše. U većim korporacijama i organizacijama jasna je granica između marketinga, odnosa s javnošću, prodaje dok u IT-u vrijede druga pravila, ali ista teorija. Najveći problem između IT stručnjaka, marketing stručnjaka, stručnjaka odnosa s javnošću i prodajnih stručnjaka jest jezična barijera dok je najveći problem između marketing stručnjaka, stručnjaka odnosa s javnošću i prodajnih stručnjaka u IT-u nejasno definirana granica u poslovanju i zadacima, odnosno preklapanje poslova, te dolazi do konfuzije na području traženja stručnih specijalista. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this final paper we will prove that the selected concepts do not have a clear boundary in the business of digital software agencies, and in the IT sector. We will also show through this work how certain tools and strategies are used in the selected branch. The whole work is written based on the practical experience of working in Dings Solutions. The IT sector itself is quite complex, but for the sake of continuous expansion and increasing demands for it in the daily performance of certain tasks, the demand for good professional staff is high. Good professional specialist brings better competitiveness in the market, which grows faster every day. Through this work we defined the selected concepts, in order to better understand the diversity in the IT sector, and to the needs of the already mentioned branch. In larger corporations and organizations, there is a clear boundary between marketing, Public Relations, sales, while in IT other rules are applied, but the same theory. The biggest problem between IT professionals, marketing professionals, Public Relations experts and Sales professionals is a language barrier, while the biggest problem between marketing professionals, Public Relations professionals and Sales professionals in IT is the vague definition of business and tasks, is overlapping jobs, confusion in the field of searching for specialist specialists. |