Sažetak | Komunalni otpad je kruti otpad koji nastaje u stambenim naseljima, a uključuje smeće iz domaćinstava, industrije i obrtništva, vrtni i tržišni otpad, razni komadni otpad, građevinski otpad, ostatke od obrade komunalnih otpadnih voda. U principu, komunalni otpad spada u nadležnost komunalnih poduzeća.
Mješani komunalni otpad je otpad iz kućanstava i otpad iz trgovina, industrije i iz ustanova koji je po svojstvima i sastavu sličan otpadu iz kućanstava, iz kojeg posebnim postupkom nisu izdvojeni pojedini materijali kao što je (papir, staklo i dr.) te u Katalogu otpada označen kao 20 03 01.
Biorazgradivi komunalni otpad je otpad nastao u kućanstvu i otpad koji je po prirodi i sastavu sličan otpadu iz kućanstva, osim proizvodnog otpada i otpada iz poljoprivrede,šumarstva, a u koji u svom sastavu sadrži biološki razgradiv otpad.
Planski dokumenti gospodarenja otpadom su:
- Strategija gospodarenja otpadom Republike Hrvatske
- Plan gospodarenja otpadom Republike Hrvatske,
- Županijski (regionalni) plan gospodarenja otpadom i Plan gospodarenja otpadom Grada Zagreba,
- Gradski, odnosno općinski plan gospodarenja otpadom, te
- Plan gospodarenja otpadom proizvođača otpada. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Municipal waste is solid waste generated in residential areas, and includes garbage from households, industry and crafts, garden and commercial waste, various pieces waste, construction waste, residues from the treatment of urban waste water. In general, the waste falls under the jurisdiction of municipal enterprises.
Mixed municipal waste is household waste and waste from commerce, industry and institutions of which has its properties and composition similar to waste from households, from which the special procedure are not isolated individual materials such as (paper, glass, etc.) And the Waste Catalogue labeled 20 03 the 1st
Biodegradable municipal waste is waste generated in households and waste that is in the nature and composition similar to waste from households, in addition to industrial waste and waste from agriculture, forestry, and in that its composition includes biodegradable waste. Planning documents for waste management are: - Waste Management Strategy of the Croatian - Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatian, - County (regional) waste management plan and Waste management plan of the City of Zagreb, - The city or municipal waste management plan, and - Waste management plan of the waste producer. |