Sažetak | Paški sir je hrvatski najpoznatiji tvrdi ovčji sir, koji se proizvodi već dugi niz godina na
otoku Pagu i danas je jedan od najpoznatijih i najcjenjenijih sireva u svijetu.
Kao glavni nusproizvod proizvodnje sira, pa tako i paškog, nastaje sirutka, čiji sastav i
svojstva ovise o tehnologiji proizvodnje, dodacima i o kakvoći upotrijebljenog mlijeka.
U sirutku tijekom proizvodnje sira prelazi oko 50% suhe tvari mlijeka, a njezin najveći
udio čini laktoza (≈70%). Nakon laktoze po zastupljenosti dolaze sirutkini proteini (β-
laktoglobulin, α-laktalbumin, albumini krvnog seruma (BSA), imunoglobulini, proteoze i
peptoni), mliječna mast i mineralne tvari. Iz sirutke se dodatnim postupkom proizvodnje dobiva
skuta, odnosno albuminski sir koji pripada skupini svježih sireva. Skuta je bogata sirutkinim
proteinima koji su lako probavljivi i imaju visok stupanj iskoristivosti u organizmu.
Kvaliteta ovčjeg mlijeka korištenog za proizvodnju paškog sira u pokusnim uvjetima je,
izuzev pH vrijednosti, odgovarala kvaliteti propisanoj Pravilnikom o kakvoći svježeg sirovog
mlijeka (2000.) i standardima mlijeka paških ovaca koje su navodili drugi autori u literaturi. Iz
sirutke dobivene u proizvodnji paškog sira proizvedena je paška skuta za potrebe ovog rada.
Analize su provedene u Referentnom laboratoriju Zavoda za mljekarstvo, referentnim i
standardnim metodama.
Prosječni udio vode i suhe tvari paške skute iznosio je 49,91% odnosno 50,09%.
Prosječni udio mliječne masti u paškoj skuti je iznosio 37,19%, a udio mliječne masti u suhoj
tvari 74,23 %. Prosječni udio proteina iznosio je 11,71%, a pH vrijednost 6,39.
Izračunati randman u proizvodnji skute je iznosio prosječno 7,10 kg skute dobivenih iz
100 kg sirutke. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Paški sir (the Pag Cheese) is the most famous Croatian sheep cheese, which has been
produced on the Island of Pag for ages and presently is one of the most renowned and praised
cheeses in the world.
Whey is the main by-product of any cheese production, and therefore also of the Pag
Cheese. Its composition and characteristics depend on the production technology, additives and
the quality of the raw milk.
During the production process, whey retains around 50% of the milk dry matter, while
its greatest part is lactose (70%). Besides lactose, other whey components are whey proteins (β-
lactoglobulins, α-lactalbumins, blood serum albumins, immunoglobulins, proteoses and
peptones), milk fat and mineral substances. Whey is further used in the production of skuta
(whey cheese), an albumin cheese that belongs to the group of cottage cheeses. Whey cheese is
rich in whey proteins that are easily digestible and have a high degree of usability in the
The quality of ovine milk used in the production of Pag Cheese in experimental
conditions, apart from the pH value, was in accordance with the Ordinance on the Quality of
Fresh Raw Milk (2000) and the milk standards of the Pag sheep stated by other authors in the
literature. Whey obtained from the production of Pag Cheese was used in the production of
whey cheese analysed in this paper. The analyses were conducted using reference standard
methods in the Reference Laboratory of the Department of Dairy Science.
The average ratio of water and dry matter in the Pag Whey Cheese was 49,91% and
50,09%, respectively. The average content of milk fat in the Pag Whey Cheese was 37,19% and
the content of milk fat in dry matter was 74,23%. The average protein content was 11,71% and
the pH value was 6,39.
The calculated yield in the production of whey cheese was average 7,10 kg of whey
cheese obtained from 100 kg of whey. |