Sažetak | Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada doprinos je digitalne komunikacije influencera na
Instagramu na stavove i ponašanje ciljane skupine. Suvremeni svijet doba je digitalne tehnologije
i različitih inovacija u online prostoru poput razvoja algoritama, aplikacija, društvenih mreža i
influencera koji zaokupljaju najveću pozornost publike. Kibernetički prostor prožet je različitim
sadržajem, a u golemoj količini istoga izdvaja se sadržaj kreiran od influencera koji uspostavljaju
poseban odnos sa svojim pratiteljima. U početku je sadržaj kojeg influenceri generiraju prožet
trenutcima iz njihovih privatnih života, međutim s vremenom se na njihovim profilima pojavljuju
i druge različite rubrike, savjeti, preporuke proizvoda, usluga, brendova i slično. Influenceri
postaju fenomen digitalnog doba kojemu se počinje pridavati mnogo pažnje, a samim time i
određena moć i doprinos oblikovanju, mijenjanju ili formiranju stavova, razmišljanja, navika,
uvjerenja te ponašanja pojedinaca. Ovaj rad koncipiran je u dva dijela; prvi dio rada prikazuje
teorijski okvir, dok je u drugom dijelu rada predstavljeno provedeno empirijsko istraživanje. U
teorijskom dijelu rada prikazan je pregled razvoja društvenih mreža s naglaskom na njihov značaj
za ljudsku komunikaciju i život. Nadalje, teorijski dio stavlja naglasak na psihološki i
bihevioristički aspekt. Istraživački dio prikazuje realizaciju i rezultate dvaju istraživanja
provedenih kombiniranom metodologijom. Provedena je analiza sadržaja i komunikacije četiriju
odabranih influencera kojom su utvrđeni komunikacijski obrasci i trendovi u sadržaju koji
generiraju i objavljuju odabrani influenceri na svojim profilima. Drugi dio istraživanja temelji se
na provedbi anketnog upitnika na neprobabilističkom kvotnom uzorku pri čemu je glavnu stavku
predstavljala dob ispitanika, odnosno činjenica da su isti pripadnici generacije Z. Rezultati
empirijskog istraživanja prikazuju da svaki influencer komunicira s publikom na sebi svojstven
način. Također, rezultati pokazuju da je većina sadržaja koji generiraju influenceri marketinškog i
promotivnog karaktera te da publika nije sklona vjerovati riječima influencera. Mogući doprinos
influencera te njihovog djelovanja može se podijeliti na dvije kategorije, odnosno na potrošačko
ponašanje pojedinca i razmišljanja o društvenom važnim temama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju
da prilikom odabira proizvoda ili usluga javnost ne pridaje važnost preporukama influencera, dok
su kod društveno važnih tema rezultati kontradiktorni. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The subject of this thesis is the contribution of influencers' digital communication on Instagram to
the attitudes and behavior of the target audience. The modern world is characterized as an era of
digital technology and various innovations in the online space, such as the development of
algorithms, applications, social networks, and influencers who capture the most attention from the
public. Cyberspace is filled with diverse content, and among the vast amount, the content created
by influencers stands out, as they establish a special relationship with their followers. Initially, the
content generated by influencers is intertwined with moments from their private lives; however,
over time, other different segments, advice, product recommendations, services, brands, and so on,
begin to appear on their profiles. Influencers have become a phenomenon of the digital age,
garnering significant attention and thus gaining certain power and influence in shaping, changing,
or forming the attitudes, thoughts, habits, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals. This thesis is
structured into two parts: the first part presents the theoretical framework, while the second part
presents the empirical research conducted. The theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview
of the development of social networks, with an emphasis on their significance for human
communication and life. Furthermore, the theoretical section highlights the psychological and
behavioral aspects. The research section illustrates the implementation and results of two studies
conducted using a combined methodology. A content analysis and communication review were
conducted on four selected influencers, identifying communication patterns and trends in the
content generated and published by the chosen influencers on their profiles. The second part of the
research was based on conducting a survey questionnaire on a non-probability quota sample, where
the main criterion was the respondents' age, specifically that the sample consisted of members of
Generation Z. The results of the empirical research show that each influencer communicates with
their audience in a manner unique to them. Additionally, the results indicate that the majority of
the content generated by influencers is of a marketing and promotional nature, and the audience is
generally skeptical of the influencers' words. The potential contribution of influencers and their
impact can be divided into two categories, namely consumer behavior or considerations on socially
important topics. The research findings suggest that when choosing products or services, the public
does not place importance on influencers' recommendations, while the results regarding socially
important topics are contradictory. |