Naslov (engleski) | A Bethe-Salpeter-equation study with the - enhanced effective QCD coupling |
Autor | Dalibor Kekez |
Autor | Dubravko Klabučar |
Autorova ustanova | Sveučilište u Zagrebu Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet (Fizički odsjek) |
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana | PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI Fizika |
Sažetak (engleski) | Dyson-Schwinger equations provide an effective approach to physics of strong interactions. To reproduce the hadronic phenomenology well, the Dyson-Schwinger approach in the rainbow-ladder approximation must employ an effective interaction between quarks which is fairly strong at intermediate (Q2 ~ 0.5 GeV^2) spacelike transferred momenta. We have recently proposed that such an interaction may originate from the dimension-2 gluon condensate <A^2> which has recently attracted much attention. We showed that the resulting effective running coupling leads to the sufficiently strong dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and successful phenomenology, at least in the light sector of pseudoscalar mesons. In the present paper, we give a more detailed investigation of the parameter dependence of these results. |
Ključne riječi (engleski) |
Jezik | engleski |
Vrsta publikacije | Znanstveni rad - Izvorni znanstveni rad |
Status objave | Objavljen |
Vrsta recenzije | Recenziran |
Verzija publikacije | Objavljena verzija rada (izdavačev PDF) |
Naslov časopisa | Fizika B |
Brojčani podaci | vol. 13, br. 2, str. 461-476 |
p-ISSN | 1330-0016 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:217:055546 |
Datum objave publikacije | 2004 |
URL dokumenta | |
Vrsta resursa | Tekst |
Prava pristupa | Otvoreni pristup |
Uvjeti korištenja | |
Datum i vrijeme pohrane | 2019-10-13 18:30:12 |